The Foot Survival Guide For Runners
How To Get Your Feet To The Finish Line Without The Pain & Blisters Commonly Experienced By Runners
Are You Preparing For Your Next Running Event?
Then you need to look after your feet.
As a runner, you’re going to spend 95% of your time training...
And so, one of the most important challenges you’ll face is how to get to the start line of your event feeling great and without injuries.
Because we all know that foot pain or blisters are going to slow you down, reduce your enjoyment, and stop you from performing at your best.
Running Increases The Impact On Your Feet By 7 Times!
Podiatric surgeon Dr. Jacqueline Sutera explains that the impact of your body from running increases by seven times your body weight.
That’s like carrying around 7 identical twins in your backpack every time you go for a run!
Which is why running can cause injuries or severe problems later in life if you don’t look after your feet.
And it’s critical that you protect your feet while training or racing so you can continue doing what you love for the rest of your life.
The Only Fat You Don't Want To Lose...
However, the main problem with running is something that's not often talked about.
Running can accelerate the loss of the fat pads on the ball and heel of your foot over time.
Fat pads provide the essential natural cushioning system to decrease the effect of pressure, impact, and friction on the foot.
They protect the bones, blood vessels, and nerves... that's why it’s the only fat you don’t want to lose!
Your Fat Pads Will Also Naturally Degrade Over Your Lifetime
You’re born with thick fat pads on the ball and heel of your feet that provide significant support to your muscles and bones.
However, when you begin to age the fat pads begin to degrade, providing less and less support for your feet.
By the time many of us have reached the age of 40, we’ve lost as much as 50% of our fat pads.
This is why people often develop foot problems and experience pain that stops them from doing the activities they enjoy.
The Two Major Forces On Your Feet
Shearing forces are when two objects are rubbed against each other in different directions which creates friction leading to blisters.
An easy example of this is the ball of your foot rubbing against your shoes or socks while running or walking.
Impact forces occur when your feet strike the ground with every step you take.
These shearing and impact forces both contribute to the reduction of your fat pads, while also being the main reasons your feet and body experience problems.
Shearing Forces Also Cause Blisters
Blisters are caused by friction and heat which can damage the upper layer of skin.
This allows a build-up of fluid under the skin which creates the blisters that can bring your training to a standstill (or at least make it more painful than necessary).
It’s important to remember that the foot is an extremely complex structure made up of 26 bones and 33 joints that work together with 19 muscles and 107 ligaments to perform very precise movements.
That’s why running can also make you more prone to develop heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, tendinitis, and inflammation of the foot.

Choosing The Right Running Shoes Is Important
We recommend that you:
- Buy at least one dedicated pair of running shoes that you keep in good shape (and are not wearing for everyday use)
- Ensure they are "broken in" adequately and not new out of the box
- Use the “lace lock” (also known as the “heel lock”) technique for tying your shoes (see the video below)
But Quality Running Shoes Are Not Enough
A US study found that approximately 60% of adults have “mismated” feet...
This means we have different sized feet, with one being smaller or larger than the other and this is completely normal.
This simply means you’ll never find a pair of shoes that fit both feet perfectly.
And you need your socks to fill up the extra space by expanding in the gaps while still compressing in the right places (which most socks can't do).
Thorlo Clinically Tested Padded Socks* (*CTPS) act like a fitting gasket with miss-mated feet. The padding compresses where it needs to and remains uncompressed thus filling the available space to optimise the fit of both shoes.
When putting on shoes unlace substantially, insert foot and kick back into the heel and then lace up.
TIP: Ensure that you are well laced and secured back into the heel pocket and that you have sufficient space (min 1 thumb width) in front of your longest toe to avoid black toes.
Your feet will expand 1-1.5 times during a marathon or extended activity or during the day.

Now Before You Panic...
I know we’ve covered a lot of potential problems with your feet right now...
But don’t worry, since the good news on how to fix all these issues is coming up next.
Just know that it’s not your fault that nobody has ever taught you about all these problems above.
Simply because most people think that choosing the right running shoes is all you can do to protect your feet.
Have You Ever Gone Running In Golf Shoes?
Of course not, it makes no sense.
Just like you wouldn’t wear a skiing outfit to go running either.
You have specific footwear and clothing that you wear while running...
And that’s why you need socks specifically designed for running as well.
But I’m Already Wearing Running Socks?
Most runners get by with cheap “running socks” bought in multi-packs from the local discount retailer.
Or perhaps you’ve invested more for fancy branded socks from a shoe company that aren’t that much better.
Unfortunately, most “running socks” are called that simply because they're ankle height...
Not because they’re specifically designed for running.
Introducing: Thorlo - The Leader In Activity-Specific Socks
Just like there are walking, golf, tennis, skateboarding, and running shoes.
Every activity needs different socks to maximise performance...
And Thorlo have been designing them since 1982.
Only Thorlo have peer-reviewed, published research proving they protect the fat pads of your feet and reduce pain, blisters, moisture, and pressure.

What's Important In Sock Construction?
Socks are made from knitted yarns with some areas being terry loops.
If you turn your sock inside out, you’ll notice it’s like a towel which is supposed to give your socks a padded feel.
Moisture is also wicked away by these terry loops because they create more surface area (just like your towel again).
Thorlo typically uses heavier gauge yarn which results in larger terry loops to create more resilient padding, and because the yarn is hydrophobic (water repellent), it is more effective at wicking moisture away from your foot to the outside of your shoe.
What Are The Best Materials For Socks?
Cotton is a common material for socks, yet when you sweat the material collapses because it's hydrophilic (water absorbing)...
This collapses the padding you require so the shearing forces create blisters.
Merino acts in much the same way, even though it’s promoted as a “moisture-wicking fibre”...
Plus, it wears out quickly and must be combined with nylon to stop it from getting holes.
So What Are Thorlo Made Of?
Thorlo socks are made with proprietary THOR•LON® yarn that provides the unique cushioning that Thorlo is famous for, while also cooling your sweaty feet to prevent blisters.
They also plait nylon to the outside of the heel and bottom of the sock where your foot rubs the shoe to dramatically increase the durability...
While keeping its soft feel on the inside.
This is a big difference to other socks that just blend nylon throughout the entire sock and hence lose the comfort... and the durability because of the way it’s done.
Other Benefits Of Thorlo...
The No-Rub Toe Seam reduces friction and irritation with additional cushioning to help prevent runner’s toe.
Plus, the padding is anatomically designed for the natural contours of the foot, to create a better fit and more comfortable run.
The padding allows the socks to compress where it needs to and remain uncompressed elsewhere, so it fills in all the "gaps" between your foot and the shoe.
Thorlo was founded in 1982 and is the only sock company to have peer-reviewed, published medical research that proves they reduce pain, blisters, moisture and pressure...
You can read this research at the Institute for Preventative Foot Health.
You can trust that every little detail has been carefully considered in every Thorlo sock.
But Don’t Trust Us, Here’s What Some Of Our Customers Have To Say...

Choosing The Best Sock For You...
The socks below are arranged in order from most padding to least padding, so you can choose the level most appropriate to your needs.
Thorlo Classic Running
Heights: Roll Top, Micro-Mini, Mini-Crew, Crew
Thorlo Classic Running is our original design that is specifically engineered for running and clinically proven to protect your feet while reducing pain, blisters, moisture, and pressure.
Suitable for people with foot pain enjoying short, but intense runs or going long distances on all terrains and in most weather conditions.
Find out more about Thorlo Classic Running here
Thorlo Edge Running
Heights: Micro-Mini
Thorlo Edge Running is the most durable, comfortable running sock on the planet and has the most technical padding of any of our running socks.
Unique NanoGLIDE® fibres incorporated in the THOR•LON® yarn are moisture-resistant to maintain cushioning, yet breathable so your skin stays cool and socks dry fast. Importantly, the addition of NanoGLIDE® further reduces any possible friction and thus significantly lowers the prospects of blistering.
Suitable for any runs from 5km through to full marathons on all terrains and in most weather conditions.
Find out more about Edge Running here
Thorlo Light Running
Heights: Micro-Mini, Mini-Crew
Light Running is specifically engineered for better comfort and is clinically proven to protect your feet from blisters, foot pain, moisture, and pressure.
This design is suitable for runners who have minor or no foot conditions, who are enjoying a short run in warmer weather conditions.
Thorlo utilises lighter-weight versions of its renowned unique padding design elements to produce arguably the best lightweight performance socks available to the discerning consumer.
Find out more about Light Running - Men's and Light Running - Women's
Heights: Micro-Mini
Want a lightweight sock that still offers foot protection in all the right places?
Thorlo Experia is anatomically designed for an aerodynamic fit to provide protection without weight.
Suitable for high-performance runners, cyclists, hikers, fitness walkers, and gym-goers who prefer a minimal amount of foot protection and don't suffer from foot pain.
Find out more about Experia here
Why You Need To Invest In The Best Foot Protection
Every serious runner invests in a pair of quality running shoes, often costing $200+…
You don’t go out and buy a cheap pair of shoes from a discount store and hope to finish your run with happy feet.
So why would you buy cheap socks that will only cause you foot pain (either now or in the future)?
Make sure you match your quality running shoes with quality running socks and experience the Thorlo difference today.
Photo Credits: Alisha Lovrich
Order Now Before It’s Too Late
The worst thing about training for an event is getting injured before you even get to the start line.
As we said at the start, 95% of your running is going to be spent training.
So invest in a quality pair of Thorlo running socks and ensure you can train for (and complete) your event in good health.
Backed by our 30 Day Thorlo Comfort Guarantee™…
You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Find out more about Thorlo right now and order today online or use our Store Finder to find your closest retailer.